We're developing various products that can be used either "as is" or as the base of your own product -- among others:
- A highly power efficient desktop system - drawing 25W at full load (email for details)
- FreeMobileOS -- Take back control of your mobile devices! We're providing a fork of the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) that does away with the need for applications and cloud services that aren't Open Source. FreeMobileOS is for you if you want to know who your mobile device is really working for. FreeMobileOS aims for full compatibility with Android, while replacing all components that aren't Open Source with open counterparts.
- OpenMandriva -- not strictly a LinDev product, but an Open Source, easy to use Linux desktop system to which we're a key contributor. All our contributions are in OpenMandriva's repositories.
Contact us at info at lindev dot ch - we speak English, German, Russian and French